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About me

Photo by Rachel Breen

Photo by Rachel Breen

Berlin-based pianist Kelsey Walsh has been an active performer and supporter of contemporary music for well over a decade. Her performances of contemporary works have been called “surprising and radical” (newmusic box). Ms. Walsh has performed solo and ensemble concerts across the United States and Germany, and also in Italy, Spain, France, and Japan.

During her studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, she was honored with the Marina Grin Award for “fine pianism, good citizenship, and selfless giving to the musical community.” In San Francisco she also co-founded the contemporary music ensemble After Everything, and served as co-director of the Hot Air Music Festival.

In addition to performing concerts and working on other musical projects, Ms. Walsh offers piano lessons for all ages, as well as tutoring in music theory, musicianship, and music history for those seeking to prepare for a degree program or looking to improve thier understanding of (mostly classical) music.