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Music expresses that which can’t be said, and what it is impossible not to express.

— Victor Hugo

Teaching Philosophy

My goal as a teacher is to nurture the love of music in each and every one of my students. Without a love of music, playing the piano is just punching buttons. All ages and levels of students are welcome in my studio. We start where you are, and explore all that music has to offer at your own pace. .

A balanced musical education includes elements of note-reading, improvisation, music theory, technique, and perhaps most importantly, musicianship. My goal as a teacher is to show you all the tools you need to be able to self-sufficiently continue your musical life. Whether you intend to study music in University or simply enjoy playing for your own enjoyment, you will need the same basic set of musical skills and knowledge.

For Children and Teenagers:

+ Children starting at 7 years of age are welcome, regardless of level.

Please use the contact form to request a trial lesson. Please specify in which language you would like your lessons (English or German) and whether you are interested in in-person lessons (available in Potsdam West in the Atelierhaus Scholle51 and in Berlin) or Online (available world-wide)

+ Younger Children starting at 5 years require an individual consultation

With the very young, we start by “playing” at the piano, with games and songs designed to teach basic concepts through praxis, which can then be built into a strong musical base for advanced playing. In this way even very small children (even those who cannot yet read) can learn to read music and play short songs both from notes and by ear. At this age it is especially important that a parent or guardian is always present at the lessons in order to understand how best to help the child practice at home during the week. Even if you yourself have zero musical training yourself, you will learn along side your child. There are plenty of small ways in which you will still be able to help support your child’s musical education!

+ Teenagers and young adults:

You want to study music, but need a little bit of help prepairing for the auditions and (depending on where yo want to study) the associated music theory and music history tests? Don’t worry! I’ve helped prepare students for music majors (both piano majors/minors and also students of other instruments worried about passing their piano proficiency tests). Depending on where you wish to study, I can help you prepare for entrance exams in music theory, music history, and ear training/musicianship, in either English or German.

For Adults (with and without prior experience):

+ You’ve always wanted to play the piano, but never got around to learning it before?

That’s great! Now’s as good a time as any to schedule a trial lesson and start your musical journey. In my studio you will learn at your own pace under the guidance of an experienced professional pianist and teacher.

+ You had lessons as a child, but haven’t played in years and are maybe a little bit afraid that you’ve forgotten everything?

Don’t worry! It’s natural to forget a few things over time, the good news is that it always comes faster the second time around! If you still have music from the last time you had lessons, go ahead and bring that to our trial lesson, and we will start back up right where you are.

+ You can already play well, but are looking for a teacher who can help you improve more efficiently?

Then prepare one or two pieces, and bring them both to your trial lesson. We’ll start by working with your existing repertoire, so that we can get to know one another. After the trial lesson we can mutually decide if we are the right fit musically or not. It is especially important for primarily self-taught pianists to be comfortable with their teacher, which is why the trial lesson is a chance for both of us to see if we think we are a good fit musically.